Carpet Cleaning

Defining Your Rooms With Area Rugs

Defining Your Rooms With Area Rugs carpet cleaning buffalo nyDefining Your Rooms With Area Rugs : area Rugs Offer a Variety of Ways to Distinguish Your Rooms

Area rugs can provide a relatively inexpensive solution to decorative challenges. These variegated floor coverings are versatile and may be used to warm the cold look of bathroom tile, reinforce the formal nature of a living room or brighten a cozy dining nook.

Because they occupy what tends to be one of the primary focal points of a room, area rugs can establish the feel of an entire space. These powerful protean floor coverings are amazingly mobile, making them a favorite of people who enjoy redecorating throughout the year. In choosing a rug, you’ll want to consider five primary factors—style, color, pattern, size and shape. Together, these elements influence the affect an area rug will have on a given room.


Area rugs come in a plethora of styles, including traditional, contemporary, country and novelty. Traditional coverings, which are dominated by rugs from Asia, present a formal, conservative look often associated with the living room, dining room and library. Rugs under the contemporary classification take their inspiration from various places, including Native American culture, modern art and cutting edge technology. If you want a unique look, contemporaries will give it to you.

Country rugs will often be braided or will use rustic, bucolic images. A cook’s kitchen, a room dominated by Early American décor or an informal dining area will often be bedecked in this style. Novelty rugs may focus on a specific theme or subject such as the movies, beach or great wines; embrace a holiday; or reproduce a famous event or work of art. The den, a bedroom, a bath or a hobby room will often host this type of rug.

Color and Pattern

Area rugs are useful in establishing the color palette for an entire room. The range and specificity of colors in rugs seems infinite. Cold hardwood floors are transformed by lush, warm colors, while a gloomy space can find life in sun-inspired shades. A rug with a patterned border and plain center makes sense when a large, central object, such as a table, occupies the center of the room. Looking to create some havoc in an otherwise subdued space? Then go with a techno inspired design or something that Picasso might like.

Size and Shape

Area rug sizes and shapes run the gamut. Some rugs are as small as 6-square feet and others cover an area of over 200-square feet. Do you want one large rug to cover much of your 10 by 12 living room floor or would you rather incorporate various smaller rugs, placing them at various angles? Round, oval, square, rectangle and odd-shaped rugs can accentuate your flair for decorating.

The huge assortment of area rugs now available furnishes dwellers with ample opportunity to creatively express their diverse tastes and decorative acumen. The traditional, maroon Oriental carpet no longer dominates the area rug market. If you’re interested in a unique look that can define a room, consider the innumerable choices in rugs that await your perusal.

This post “Defining Your Rooms With Area Rugs” has been kindly provided by Water damage in Buffalo NY, one of the best Buffalo Carpet cleaners in NY.

Accounting Comptabilite

A Real-Time Way To Avoid Identity Theft

A Real-Time Way To Avoid Identity Theft Cabinet comptable BrestA Real-Time Way To Avoid Identity Theft : as identity thieves become more of a threat to individuals and businesses, many people wish they had someone–or something–to watch over and guard their valuable financial information.

While most consumers can’t afford a financial bodyguard, many are taking advantage of a real-time identity management service that can potentially avert identity crimes.

I consider one service, Identity Sweep, developed with MyPublic Info ( and Affinion Group (www.affiniongroup .com), a leader in credit monitoring and identity theft, to be more proactive than any other. It may be the consumer’s best chance at avoiding identity-related criminal abuse. Identity Sweep protects consumer identities in three ways:

1. It includes a leading-edge identity fraud detection technology that scans billions of public records for suspicious activity associated with identity fraud, including attempts to create a synthetic identity. The service analyzes the suspicious activity to provide a risk score.

2. It searches Internet newsgroups, search engines, blogs and hundreds of thousands of chat rooms and Web sites looking for personal and financial information. It instantly notifies consumers by e-mail of any suspicious activity related to their personal information before the customer is victimized. This technology works faster than credit card and credit bureau monitoring services. Carte codes postaux

3. It scans online directories that list a consumer’s information and requests removal of that information to prevent abuse by telemarketers and identity thieves.

This post “A Real-Time Way To Avoid Identity Theft” has been kindly provided by Avocat en droit social ( Expert comptable Brest ).

Carpet Cleaning

Carpet Spot Removal

Vacuuming the carpet cleaning lancaster-pa Carpet Spot RemovalCarpet Spot Removal : anyone who has experience with carpet knows the types of accidents that can happen. Carpet is very common with most houses these days, making the risk for accidents and spills higher than ever. No matter what the spill may be, mud, blood, or milk – there are ways to clean everything.

At your local department store or grocery store,

there are several products that you can pick up that will work great. The only problem with these products is the fact that they are normally very vague with
how you should use them.

The first thing you should know is that if you have a red stain on your carpet, you shouldn’t try to get this out yourself, but instead leave it to a pro. There are certain procedures and very effective methods that your local carpet cleaning company can do to save you from ruining your carpet.

Keep in mind that red is the toughest stain to get out.

A professional carpet cleaner is a way to go, as he is properly trained and equipped to handle them.

For everything else, there is always an effective and cheap way to clean spots on both your carpet and the upholstery. If you are only buying the products that work for you, then you aren’t paying much attention to the label or the technique in getting the stains out.

The first thing to do is go to your local Auto Zone or auto parts store and pick up the auto upholstery and carpet cleaner in the can. Tuff
Stuff is one of the best you can get. Almost all cleaners that come in a can are foaming cleaners, which will make your work a lot easier.

The foam in these canned cleaners will penetrate the fibers

upon contact and as it foams, it will release and suspend the stains and soils. You may need to lightly scrub the areas with a towel or soft-bristled brush.

To help you clean the spots, the tips below may come in handy:
1. You should only use white rags or towels when you clean the carpet and upholstery to reduce the risk of ruining colors or color transfer.
2. You should use foaming cleaners to clean your entire upholstery, even though it may state to dry clean only.
3. You should always test your product of choice first on a hidden area to save yourself heartache and embarrassment in case things don’t turn out the way you hope. Code postal Reims
4. If you need the help of a professional, you shouldn’t hesitate to contact one.

As long as you don’t have a red stain on the carpet, you shouldn’t have any problems getting it out. Stains and spots are a carpet’s worst enemy, which is why you should always get them out as soon as you can – to prevent things from getting any worse.

This post “Carpet Spot Removal” has been kindly provided by Lancaster carpet cleaning


Eau robinet eau bouteille

Eau robinet eau bouteilleEau robinet eau bouteille. De grands industriels ( Nestlé : Perrier, Vittel, Contrex, Hépar, Perrier, Cristalline, St-Yorre …) semblent avoir menti.

Ces industriels nous auraient caché que non seulement l’eau qu’ils pompaient était contaminée… mais que les systèmes de purification utilisés étaient interdits pour les eaux minérales et de source.2

C’est ce qu’ont révélé Le Monde et Radio France dans une enquête publiée récemment.3,4

30% des marques (pour l’instant ! incluant Nestlé) seraient concernées. Mais surtout, des dizaines de milliers de consommateurs auraient payé pour de l’eau minérale naturelle… qui n’était plus naturelle.5

En effet, des eaux vendues en bouteille avec l’appellation “eau de source” ou “eau minérale naturelle” auraient subi des traitements de purification similaires à ceux utilisés pour purifier l’eau du robinet, comme la microfiltration, les filtres UV, ou les charbons actifs.6,7

Pour rappel, ces types d’eau sont censées provenir de sources préservées de toute contamination bactérienne ou chimique.8

La “pureté de l’eau” est pourtant l’argument de vente principal…

Pour bien comprendre la supercherie, il est important de faire la distinction entre les eaux minérales, les eaux de source et les “eaux rendues potables par traitement”.

Ce sont les deux premiers types qui nous intéressent. Elles sont normalement protégées du risque de contamination et de pollution, car elles proviennent des nappes souterraines et sont pompées en profondeur.

Les traitements de purification qu’elles subissent sont donc (normalement) extrêmement limités.

Or, cette pureté de l’eau, qui est d’ailleurs l’argument marketing principal de ces marques, n’avait apparemment plus rien ni de pur ni de naturel… puisqu’elle était traitée !9

C’est en effet ce qu’il ressortirait du rapport de l’Inspection générale des affaires sociales (IGAS) remis confidentiellement au gouvernement en juillet 2022.10

Certaines marques d’eau en bouteille, présentées comme pures et naturelles, auraient donc été altérées par des pratiques non conformes visant à masquer leur contamination.11

Les filtrer de façon interdite aura peut-être évité un scandale sanitaire à grande échelle…

Mais il soulève de vastes interrogations sur la qualité des sources et des nappes phréatiques ! Quel est le degré de contamination ? A quoi cette contamination est-elle due ? Des analyses ont-elles été menées ? Que risque-t-on ?

Il en va de la confiance des consommateurs !

Le gouvernement était en outre au courant de ces pratiques frauduleuses mais n’a, à notre connaissance, pris aucune mesure…

Cela pose grandement question sur les mécanismes de régulation et de contrôle…

Le Gouvernement Français savait depuis longtemps !

En effet, en 2021, selon l’enquête du Monde et de Radio France, le Gouvernement a appris que certaines marques utilisaient des traitements non conformes afin de continuer à exploiter leurs usines d’eau minérales, dont les sources d’eau sont fréquemment contaminées.12

Notre gouvernement semble avoir décidé de fermer les yeux et de ne pas saisir la justice ni les autorités européennes, malgré son devoir d’informer notamment la Commission…

Pour quelle raison ? Pour protéger l’économie locale ?  les multinationales comme Nestlé ? Pour protéger cette industrie ?

Les Français sont en droit de savoir pourquoi on leur aurait menti pendant des années.

Il est temps de réformer et de surveiller cette industrie qui se plaît tant à mettre en avant des arguments de santé pour vendre ses produits.

Thibaut Masco – janvier 2024 – Sources :
